1/越南落地簽證 (Visa on arrival): 剛剛完成支付就知道信息填錯材料的遊客請直接給已經申請簽證的網站聯絡,最快的方法是:當你收到確認信,直接回复確認心或者給他們聯絡,若還沒辦理簽證的話,他們會幫你更改。 有一些情況,收到了簽證信函或者簽證正在處理的時候無法更改任何信息。

1/越南電子簽證 (E-visa) 目前來自80個國家(包括香港、澳門和中國)的公民可以在線申請電子簽證。電子簽證也必須在你登陸越南之前完成。

在這篇文章中,我們不但會告訴你在越南的免簽證入境的信息,而且還會告訴你需要知道的簽證要求和其他細節,以便延長你的行程。 越南是菲律賓公民無需申請簽證即可前往的東南亞國家之一。

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Visas to Vietnam have been made very simple.
Here’s why:
  • We do all that is necessary when you apply for a visa.
  • You made the form online, we send the result straight to your email.
  • You arrive in Vietnam, the visa is ready for pick up.
  • We have a 100% guarantee refund policy.
  • (see our refund policy)
Disclaimer: This website is not a government one and we are not affiliated with the embassy. We are in business to help and support those who need to get a visa for Vietnam.