中国公民不在越南免签证名单中。 因此,居住在澳门或其他国家的澳门公民需要申请签证签证才能进入越南并在越南工作或旅游。
去越南要办理越南签证可分为两种,一种为旅游签证和另外一种为商务签证。 所有香港公民无论想去越南旅游还是去其他国家,都需要旅游签证的! 越南签证是越南政府授权的签证机关依照越南法律法规,在入境越南的外国公民所持有的护照或其他旅行证件上的签注和盖印, 以表示允许其出入本国国境或者经过越南国境。
Many people choose the option of getting a Visa On Application (VOA) for their trip to Vietnam. They are then able to board the aircraft and pick up the Visa when they arrive at one of Vietnam’s international airports.
When traveling to Vietnam it is necessary to apply for and receive a visa approval letter beforehand. Once you have this essential document in your pocket you can head on over to the Visa on Arrival desk that is available in each of Vietnam’s international airports as soon as you arrive.
It’s quite easy to get your important Visa on Arrival when traveling to Vietnam, but you do need to ensure you have the correct documents with you first and this will take some organizing ahead of time. The three documents you will need are: Your original passport.